"Seicho-No-Ie Blessings of Nature Festa"

          In order to resolve today's environmental issues and to realize world peace, it is necessary to create a "new civilization" where humans can achieve happiness without destroying nature, by quickly resorting to the way of "growing together with nature."

          We believe that the "new civilization" is created by refraining from our self indulgence and also by making decisions based on the purpose of supporting biodiversity of the entire earth and pursuing the entire human beings' happiness, even when it comes to making decisions on how to utilize scientific technologies, natural resources and energy. For this purpose, we need to spread this awareness to individuals, nations, human race and the entire earth. 

          Presently, a half of the entire world population is living in urban areas as a result of such population's migration to those areas, enticed by the convenience, comfort and efficiency which are offered by the urban life, and this flow of population is not losing its momentum. However, in urban areas, the humans tend to lose a sense of harmony with nature, and becomes insensitive to the fave that our very own life is destroying the nature. And the higher efficiency and labor-saving renovations are depriving ourselves of the God-given wisdom, emotions and physical movements, and therefore, we are finding it difficult to have feeling of happiness in our lives. 

          Under such circumstance and following the move of its International Headquarters, Seicho-No-Ie is innovating a way to work and live by deeper connections with nature. "Seicho-No-Ie Blessings of Nature Festa" aims to spread the "grow with nature"" way of life, which is being generated by the movement, by enhancing the consciousness by encouraging local community to participate and experience concrete ways to "grow with nature."

          Particularly, the "Blessings of Nature Festa" held at the International Headquarters would create opportunities to spread the "grow with nature" way of life into many areas, by inviting participants from a variety of backgrounds and sharing the Festa experience with them, which will contribute to a wider proliferation of this thinking domestically and internationally. More specifically, we would have the participants who live far from the Office to promote the Festa in their own regions and would encourage those who are closer to the Office to actively participate in the activities which promote the "grow with nature" way of life, together with corporations, organizations and NPOs who share this same idea. 

Rev. Bruce Mallery, National Ordained Minister


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